Daily Schedule for Little Ones

Take a breath. Take a moment to remember that you know your kids best. You know what they love, what they despise, and what makes them belly laugh. Don't get confused in all the panic. You are enough for your child or children. 

But lets make it a little easier. Even though you know your children so well, day after day at home without school, playgrounds, libraries, museums, and playdates feels like too much. 

One way to help give your kids balance and consistency at home is to have a daily schedule. This is especially important for children who are used to having this at school or daycare. It's crucial in a classroom and you can use one at home so everyone knows what comes next! No schedule will make the day perfect but it can definitely help tip the balance to more good moments than bad.

Here is a daily schedule we are going to use the next few weeks. You can adjust and move things around as it works for your family. This schedule focuses on the preschool age but can work for older or younger children with a little tweaking. You'll see I haven't blocked off every minute with a specific activity. Young children need time to engage in play. It will feel too stressful and frenzied if you schedule every minute for this age. Don't forget, it's ok for them to be bored. It's for sure annoying to hear about but it's actually a really good thing for their development. 

I've included some examples within the schedule to get the ball rolling. Use what you have at home and what your kids enjoy. 

Daily Schedule

Wake up
Quiet Play

blocks, animals, transportation
Use a timer to encourage independent play.

Messy Activity
paint, sensory bin, playdoh

Eat outside or have a picnic on the floor.

                 Outside/Active Play 
                   Try kid's dance and exercise videos online for rainy days.

Pretend Play- Add laundry basket or cardboard box and small blankets. 

Put books in a basket in a new area of the house.

Use a cookie cutter for sandwiches for novelty.

Rest or Quiet Time
nap, books, screen time**

drawing, coloring, stickers, puzzles, activity books, Legos

sensory bin or fine motor activity

Put 3 or 4 things on a plate and let them choose.

Head outside. Bundle up or jump in puddles. 
Fresh air does wonders at this point in the day.

Pre-dinner crazies! 
Put music on and dance or put a favorite toy near the kitchen. 

Use a timer to encourage kids to sit at the table.

Family Time
Long bath!

You did it!

Afternoon Schedule 

Dinner Refusal 
Run through the house/ Kitchen clean-up 
Family Time
Bedtime Snack 
False Bedtime 
More Dehydration  
Actual Bedtime

I hope this alternative schedule makes you feel seen! I know I do! It happens so often but with a little routine we can overcome the 20 extra snacks and only have 14!

* "Play" will look different for everyone. It depends a lot on ages and number of children. It also depends on how independently your child plays. 

** "Screen Time" I believe in screen time! I only included it once here, during quiet time, but we use it multiple times a day. I'd rather let you schedule that and use screen time how it best fits your family. 

Try it out! See what works and doesn't. Sit with it a few days and see if it gets easier. 

Once you have adjusted and tweaked your own schedule and have one that your child is familiar with, try not to change it too drastically or leave things out. If you run out of time for something just make something shorter. They won't notice adjusting the time as much as they will notice omitting something. This can be very helpful for children who really thrive on consistency and routine. 

Don't forget to write this out and add pictures so your child can follow along! Check Instagram for a Visual Daily Schedule soon. 

Let's go!


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